Student Name | Nominating Department | Title of Paper |
Erin Armstrong | Animal and Rangeland Sciences | Elective Gonadectomy In Cats and Dogs |
Leah Biesack | Creative Writing | Hot Bothered Quiet |
McKenzie J. Brown | Psychology | Exploring the Relationship Between Mindfulness and Independence in Individuals with Disabilities |
Margaret Brundage | Merchandising Management | The Style and Influence of Wallis, Duchess of Windsor |
Elizabeth Cantu | Economics | The Impact of School Accountability on Student Outcomes |
Carrie Chan | Zoology | Research Project: Analysis of Mechanical Stress and its Effects on Determinate Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) Fruit Yield |
Rachel A Dodge | Public Health | A School Based Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Program for American Indian/Alaska Native Children of Jefferson County, Oregon |
Tyler Doyle | Chemistry | Synthesis and Characterization of Molecular Sieve Zeolite 5A |
Antoine Godefroid |
Civil Engineering | Individual Design Report |
Reese Kunitzer | American Studies | Where God Ends and AI Begins |
Eduardo Lopez | Religious Studies | The Web of Relationships: How Experiences Shape a Transcendent Though Invisible Bond |
Kayla McDowell | Environmental Sciences | The Direct and Indirect Effects of Barred Owl Competition on Northern Spotted Owls |
Gareth Miller Rabecka Moffit Sara Vanaken |
Electrical and Computer Engineering | Group 32- Baja Strain Gauge Controller |
Autumn Moore | Agricultural Sciences | The Benefits & Risks of Raw and Pasteurized Milk |
Roman Quick | Sociology | Talking Down To You: Dynamics of Social Climbing and Teaching at Climbing Gyms |
Timothy Reynolds | Environmental Sciences | Bringing Conservation Home: Building ecosystem resilience within urban spaces |
Mallory Schiebel | Kinesiology | The Use of Virtual Reality to Improve Gait in those with Parkinson’s Disease |
Zachary Smith | History | Plutarch’s Educational Theory on Advisors, Anger, and Peace of Mind |
Ibrahim Syed | Music | The Übermunch: Sexuality, Ice Spice, and Nietzsche’s “Will to Power” |
Joseph Takach | Math | Constant Negative Curvature: Uniformity Without Symmetry |
Joseph Takach | Physics | Hamiltonian Truncation Applied to Lattice f4 Theory |
Faith M. Townsend | Oceanography | Graduate research proposal: The impact of warming winter temperatures on kelp in the Beaufort Sea |
Logan Verplancke | Architectural Engineering | Individual Design Report |
Lucas Yao | English | Looking Back to Look Forward: How Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments examines queerness in the past to provide hope for the future of queer existence |
Tarek Youngapelian | German | Nirgendwo in Afrika: Flucht, Heimat und Identität unter dem Einfluss der „Rassenhierarchie“ (Nowhere in Africa: Flight, Home and Identity under the Influence of Racial Hierarchy) |
Student Name | Nominating Department | Title of Paper |
Ryaan Akmal | BioHealth Sciences | Grant Proposal Prospectus for the Testing of Bacteriophages Against Drug-Resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae in a Mouse Model |
Robert Avery | Mathematics | Combinatorial Games on Knot Shadows |
Sullivan Bailey-Darland | Physics | Model effectiveness in time-resolved spectroscopy: new statistical approaches to uncertainty and model selection for global analysis |
Mckenzie Bartles | Religious Studies | Blavatsky, Olcott, and Theosophy: Appropriation or Appreciation |
Samuel Basset | Biochemistry and Biophysics | Modern Day Snake Oil: Science-based recommendations for US policy makers regarding stricter regulation of homeopathic products in the modern marketplace |
Gabriel Bendat | Environmental Economics and Policy | A Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Demarcation of Indigenous Territories in Brazil |
Samantha Caltabiano | Anthropology | Roll for Initiative: Dungeons & Dragons as Contemporary Folklore |
Taylor Cockrell | Environmental Sciences | New Zealand’s Subtropical North Island Climate |
Jordan Denbo |
Psychology | The Effects Of Laptop’s Distraction On Learning |
Cydney Diaz | Agricultural and Food Business Management | AEC 442 Agricultural Business Management Final Exam |
Jade Ehmig | History | Memories of Descendants |
Charlotte Epps | BioResource Research | Exploring the Growth Habits of Sweetpotatoes (Ipomoea batatas) in the Willamette Valley of Western Oregon |
Emily Gallegos | Animal Sciences | Quality of Life for Farmed Fish |
Casandra Guiley | Public Health- Health Promotion and Health Behavior Option | Bethel Obesity Prevention: Centering Culture as a Protective Factor Adaptation of a health education program for Indigenous women in rural Alaska |
Adriana Gutierrez | English | The Viewer and the Spectacle: How the “Sensitive Monster” is Born in The Moonstone |
Makeana Johnson | Human Development and Family Sciences | Changing Childcare |
Madelyn Kennedy | Kinesiology | Does multi-ingredient pre-workout supplementation improve strength training performance when consumed prior to a workout? |
Taylor Linsday | Chemistry | Zeolite 5A: Synthesis and Characterization of Structure, Composition, Purity, and Porosity |
Zoe Moulton | Music | The French Aristocrat and the Spanish Gypsy: Historiographical Perceptions of Female Guitarists in Nineteenth-century Spain and France” |
Ziani Paiz | Rangeland Sciences | Subirrigated Bottomland Ecological Site in the Shortgrass Prairie |
Rose Roberts | Crop and Soil Science | Coffee and Climate Change: Predicaments and Possible Solutions for Farmers in Latin America |
Hunter Sapienza | Biology | Blood Electrolyte Concentrations for Loons in Rehabilitative Care Housed in Pools of Varying Salinity |
Channon Schuerger | Sociology | Where the Lost Fantasies Go: The Lasting Effects of College Social Experiences |
Zoe Shulevitz | Economics | Mental Health[care]: How Increasing Health Insurance’s Mental Health Coverage Effects Frequency of Mental Health Related Hospital Visits and Suicide Rates |
Ojas Tendolkar | Electrical and Computer Engineering | Display Block Validation Paper |
Austin Thornton | Creative Writing | Evidence on the Matter of My Parents; Exhibit B: |
Student Name | Nominating Department | Title of Paper |
Samantha Bleu Amador | BioResource Research | Toxicity Screening of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Primary Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells |
Bailey Bennett | Integrative Biology | Effect of Oxytocin on Separation Anxiety in Dogs |
Chantel Berger | Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering | Hydrodynamics and Mooring Team Report |
Ratna Bhupalam | Public Heath--Health Promotion & Health Behavior Option | Youth Vaping Epidemic: LGBTQ+ Youth |
Cameron Clonch | Physics | Measuring Bubble Pressure in Glacier Ice |
Colleen Cooper Brady Goracke Erin Hogan |
Psychology | Value Affirmation For Pre-Teenagers: Counteracting The Effects Of Stereotype Threat On Academic Performance In Middle Schoolers |
Kelly Criglow | Anthropology | Clovis: A Cultural Revolution across a Continent |
Shea Fleetwood | BioResource Research | Soil Fire Ecology: Assessing Wildfire Severity Impacts on Pacific Northwest Forest Soil Carbon |
Kevin Foster | Economics | The Impact of Housing First on Homeless Housing and Mental Health Outcomes |
Kaylee Graham | Speech Communication | The Rhetorical Situation of Climate Change |
Robert Harris | Music | Afrofuturism: A New Lens for Contemporary Music |
Courtney Hunt | Religious Studies | The Expression Which is Religion |
Claire Johnston | Civil Engineering | Desalination Design Proposal |
Madeline Kaspari | German | Irgendwo in der Welt: Heimat aus der Flüchtlingsperspektive im Film Nirgendwo in Afrika |
Carlo A. Schettini Mejia | Chemistry | Physical Parameter Determination for HCl/DCl from Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy |
Mike Murphy | Kinesiology | Beating the curve: insulin sensitization in response to exercise |
Darlene Nguyen | Ethnic Studies | ’Come Home With Us’: An Analysis of Race in Lee Isaac Chung’s Minari |
Josie O’Harrow | Philosophy | Brilliant Interdependence |
James Phillips | Sociology | Barriers of Food Security: How Knowledge and Stigma May Impact Food Security Program Utilization |
Kaj Porter | English | How to Catch a Toad |
Griffin Puls | Forest Engineering | My Connection to “The Mitchell Woods” |
Maxwell Siebersma | Math | The Geometry of the Penrose Diagram for Minkowski Spacetime |
Morgan Smith | Animal Sciences | Ethical keeping of pet cats: a comparison of indoor confinement vs. outdoor access |
Robert Swart | History | The Supreme Court, The Civil Rights Cases, and Judicially Sanctioned Racial Discrimination in Post-Civil War |
Samantha Arroyo Villanueva | Electrical & Computer Engineering | Design Impact Assessment |
Jessica Xu | Environmental Economics and Policy | Does the implementation of a national highway toll in China generate net benefits or costs to society? |
Student Name | Nominating Department | Title of Paper |
Maria Baker | Environmental Sciences | Cold Desert Climatology of the Patagonia Steppe in Argentina |
Kendrea Beers | Religious Studies | Embodied Wisdom in Mahāyāna Buddhism and Orthodox Christianity |
Grace Burks | Agricultural Sciences | Attracting Pacific Northwest Pawpaw (Asimina Triloba) Pollinators Through Dual-Use Production Management |
Genevieve Connolly | Math | Using Euclidean Geometry to Construct Objects in the Elliptic Klein Disk |
Katrina Doggett | Animal Sciences | The Racehorse Industry: ethical and welfare considerations of standard practices |
Kendyl Druffel | Management | Personal Ethical Action Plan |
Christopher Egyed | Geography & Geospatial Science | Describing the Climate of the Lake Superior Basin: The Influence of Continentality and the Great Lakes on a Humid Continental Climate |
Sarah Ellis | Business Administration | Personal Ethical Action Plan |
Maire K. Hargaden | Economics | Does Universal Early Childcare Affect Academic Outcomes? |
Tiffany Huestis | Entrepreneurship | Personal Ethical Action Plan |
Christina Jackson | Human Development and Family Sciences | Capital vs. Capability: Evaluation in Early Childhood Education |
Erin Jackson | Rangeland Sciences | Starkey Experimental Forest and Range Prescribed Grazing Plan, Union County, OR |
Jared Jensen | Integrative Biology | RESEARCH PROJECT: Mosquito Sensory Modulation -- Effects of a striped pattern and olfactory cues on mosquito host-seeking behaviors |
Duncan Sean Kemp | Political Science | The Economic Path Dependency of Foreign Extraction Duration: Why Colonialism Still Matters |
Evaggelos Klonis | German | 100 Dinge: Wie entkommt man der hedonistischen Tretmühle? |
Grace Knutsen | History | Colonial Combatants: Moroccan Soldiers in the Twentieth-Century French Army |
Nicole Kotwasinski | Business Information Systems | Personal Ethical Action Plan |
Rhythm Kristich | Psychology | The Impact of Political Ideology on Aggression and Compassion |
Alissa Liu | Music | The Cultivation of Social Harmony: A Discussion of Tradition in Chinese Contemporary Styles and Popular Music |
Suzi McConnell | Marketing | Personal Ethical Action Plan |
Andrew McKelvey | Chemistry | Condensation of 4-tert-butylbenzophenone via Friedel-Crafts Acylation and Characterization of the Synthesized Product. |
Tristan Mitchell | Philsophy | Scientific Realism and Trust as a Remedy for Coronavirus Vaccine Skepticism |
Dhrushil Patel | International Business | Personal Ethical Action Plan |
Ana R. Pearse | Art | Marina Abramović’s Rhythm O: Reimagining the Roles of Artist and Observer |
Richard Puro | Physics | Photodimerization of Organic Semiconductors in the Strong Coupling Regime |
Madeleine Reyes | Agricultural and Food Business Management | Economic Analysis of Policy Options for Water Scarcity in California Agriculture |
Juriana E. Barboza Sagrero | BioResource Research | Guinea pig model of mild hyperandrogenemia – is it a suitable model for women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)? A pilot study. |
Katie Sawtelle | Health Promotion & Health Behavior | Women’s Health Narratives: A Cervical Cancer Prevention Program for College-Age Women in Portland, Oregon |
Jay Sharpe | Forestry | Cooperating to Address the Risk of Wildland Fire: A Policy Brief |
Ranyu (Sienna) Shi |
Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Neural Prosthetic Hand Design Impact Assessment |
Joshua Stickrod | English | Intertextual Revisionism: Recontextualizing The Eurocentric Literary Tradition In Hannah Crafts’s The Bondwoman’s Narrative |
Whitney Thaler | Sociology | Student Debt and the Alteration of Adulthood Independence |
Shane Ania Louise Dela Cruz Ty | Ethnic Studies | Individual Interventions for Social Justice |
Monica Vickers | Environmental Economics and Policy | Cost-benefit Analysis for Invasive Weed Control: The Case of Knotweed in Skagit County |
Rachel Villarreal | Forest Engineering | Connection to the Land |
Katie Wallace | Finance | Personal Ethical Action Plan |
Giulia Ann Wood | Ocean Sciences | Determining Arctic krill spawning regions and impacts of warming on abundance and distribution |
Student Name | Nominating Department | Title of Paper |
Karla Aguilera | American Studies | Bless Me Ultima: The Soul of the Chicano Movement |
Emily Bradley | Animal Sciences | Housing Chickens: How Much Space is Enough? |
Jessica C. Brown | Chemistry | Synthesis and Characterization of Zeolite 5A |
Emily Dozler | Integrative Biology | Medical research’s silent sufferers: Reasons to reduce animal testing |
Joshua Dudley | Sociology | The Impact of Religious Affiliation and Race on Perceptions of Everyday Discrimination |
Jordan Foos | Philosophy | Tyranny of the Herd: Nietzsche and Mill on Individuality |
Helena Fournier | History | Genocide in Ukraine: The Holodomor in Archival Documents, Witness Testimony, and Contemporary Debate |
Jynx Frederick | Public Health- Health Promotion & Health Behavior | Benton County Condom Distribution Program |
Taylor Hulett | Music | Germaine Tailleferre: Love, Marriage, Infidelity, and Art Song |
Celine Huynh | BioResource Research | Impact of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Barrier Function Toxicity in 3D Lung Model from Normal and Asthmatic Donor Cells |
Sean Jim | Mechanical Engineering | Heavy-Payload Agriculture Drone: Imaging/Control |
Jia Yi Li | Electrical & Computer Engineering | Research Implications Report for ECE Senior Design Capstone Project |
Logan E. McCarthy | Anthropology | Rituals of Recovery |
Andres Mendoza | Geography & Geospatial Science | From Cocoa to Crude Oil: The Troubled Export Economy of Ecuador |
Tristen Myers | Environmental Sciences | Bald Hill Mapping Project Report |
Katrina Ong | Sustainability | Reshaping Conventional Agriculture with Regenerative Agriculture |
Richard Puro | Math | Equilibria of Wolves and Elk in Yosemite |
Diego Rodriguez | Psychology | A Culturally Specific, Multi-Component Suicide Prevention Program for Adolescent American Indians on Reservations |
Leslie D Rowe | Digital Communication Arts | Deepfake Detection and Education Key to Defending the Truth |
Michael Sieler | BioResource Research | The Gut Microbiome Drives Benzo[a]pyrene’s Impact on Zebrafish Behavioral Development |
Jacob Van de Lindt | Physics | Modeling the Fusion Reaction in an Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Reactor with the Particle-in-Cell Method |
Monica Vickers | Environmental Economics and Policy | Benefits and costs of payments for environmental services in Morogoro, Tanzania |
Rebekah Villanti | English | Defining the Novel by Conventions of Realism and Fictionality |
Ryan Wells | Agricultural Sciences | Alternative Approach for Soil Sterilization in Strawberry Rootstock and Fruit Productions |
Erin Zurbrugg |
Human Development and Family Sciences |
An Unexpected Journey: Finding Joy in Life’s Curveballs |
Student Name | Nominating Department | Title of Paper |
Eliza Adams | Business | "Personal Ethical Action Plan" |
Tessa Barone | Honors College | "Just Go Find Yourself a Nice Alpha: Gender and Consent in Supernatural Fanfiction’s Alpha/Beta/Omega Universe" |
Jenna Beyer | Biochemistry and Biophysics | "Probing the effects of post-translational modifications at a regulatory serine in LC8 using non-canonical amino acids” |
Kate Brazelton | Animal Sciences | "What is the most ethical method of tail docking in lambs?" |
Bailey Burk | Microbiology | "Soil solarization can improve agricultural yield by limiting growth of unwanted organisms and altering microbial diversity without use of soil fumigation" |
Annie Cao | Psychology | "Physicians and Treating Addiction in Patients" |
Jorie Casey | Biochemistry and Molecular Biology | "Regulatory Phosphorylation of LC8 Dimerization through Genetic Code Expansion" |
Andrew Chione | Fisheries and Wildlife | "New discovery leads to a whole new meaning of “trash fish”" |
Callie Daddario | Agricultural Sciences | "Expiration Date Education: A Movement to Decrease Food Waste" |
Annie Dutchover | Tourism, Recreation and Adventure Leadership | "The Loving Embrace" |
Rihana Louise Debler Charisa Collyn Hohman Breanna Wells-Tyrell |
Human Development and Family Sciences | Family Health and Wellness Grant Proposal |
Brennan Douglas | Physics | "Chiral Topological Defects in Nematic Liquid Crystals and Classical Field Theories" |
Alberto Gonzales | Sustainability | "Sustainability Assessment of Boise Firefighters IAFF Local 149" |
Tyler Gustafson | Agricultural Business Management | "Alternative Policy Approaches to Pesticide Use" |
Scott T. Harrington | Religious Studies | “Religion as a Common-Sense Category” |
Addie Howell | Speech Communication | "Politics, Memes, and Culture Jamming: Meme Culture’s Potential to Engage Youth in Politics" |
Macey Hsu | Business | "Personal Ethical Action Plan" |
Chanti Manon-Ferguson | Ethnic Studies | "Learning Outcomes: Native American Assimilation and Activism" |
Shreya Melkote | Business | "Personal Ethical Action Plan" |
Hamza Molvi | Business | "Personal Ethical Action Plan" |
Cocoro Andrew Nagasaka | Chemistry |
"Preparation and Characterization of Zeolite 5A: Analysis with PXRD, TGA, INAA, Porosimetry, and SEM-EDX" |
Abigail Noel Nagel Bradi Marie Van Atta |
Human Development and Family Sciences | "Northwest Buddies" |
Benjamin Nicholas | Honors College | "Genetic and morphological evidence suggests cryptic speciation within Torrent Sculpin, Cottus rhotheus, across the Pacific Northwest" |
Brianne Nordin | Political Science | "The Gender Wage Gap and Education" |
Shannon Nicole Pastori | Sociology | "Does Knowing Someone Who has Taken Their Own Life Increase Support for Gun Control?” |
Tony Penoyer | Electrical and Computer Engineering | "Mobile Pedestrian Target: Block Design Validation" |
Elizabeth Puttman | BioResource Research | "Use of Platelet Rich Plasma for the Treatment of Subclinical Endometritis in Beef Heifers" |
Rebekah Richardson | Music | "The Most Wonderful Letters: Leonard Bernstein’s Piano Anniversaries" |
Jade Sentker | Biology | "Embryonic stem cell research: invaluable and ethical" |
Danil Thorstensson | Philosophy | Final Paper |
Marcus Trinidad | Economics | "Criming going off the rails: Examining the relationship between light rail stations and crime in Porland, OR" |
Sara Tro | Math | "Comparing the Polynomial Chaos Debye Model to the Original Debye Model" |
Sydney Kristine Wardan | BioHealth Sciences | "Grant Proposal Prospectus: Hepatitis C Vaccine Study" |
Trevor A. Whitaker | Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering | "Freeze Stage Analysis of an Indirect Freeze Desalination System" |
Kirstin Yeomans | Public Health | “Screen Time: A Community-based HIV/AIDS Reduction Program in Multnomah County, based on PROMISE for HIP, an Evidence-based Intervention” |
Peter T. Young | History | "The Lords of Longitude – How Social and Political Structures influenced the Longitude Problem" |
Student Name | Nominating Department | Title of Paper |
Joshua Lynn Akins | Business | "Personal Ethical Action Plan" |
Dominique Willard Argyres | Economics | "The Effect of Medicaid Expansion on Substance Abuse-Related Mortalities, 2013-2016" |
Jordyn C. Bateman | Digital Communication Arts | "Your Fast Fashion Purchases May Lead To a Serious Crisis" |
Nico Conahan | Graphic Design | "Washington R*dskins - a Comparative Critique" |
Lyndsey Dixon | Agricultural Business Management | "Alternative Public Policy Approaches to Childhood Obesity" |
Lihani du Plessis | History | “A Monument to Jim Crow”: Post-War Racial Liberalism and the Battle Over the Booker T. Washington Black Veterans Hospital" |
Brandon Farmer | Math | "Behavior of a Tall, Narrow Structure Modeled as an Inverted Pendulum During Earthquakes With and Without the Inclusion of Vertical Ground Acceleration" |
Blaise Gilbride Andrew Parmeter Roger Rodriguez-Ortiz Johnson Trieu |
Engineering | "Interactive Parts Storage System Project Specification" |
Seth Gonzales | Chemistry | "Derivation of Halide Bond Lengths through Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy" |
Joel Goodman | Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering | "Mars Rover Robotic Arm Design Proposal" |
Karen C. Granados | Public Health | "A Socio-Ecological Suicide Prevention Program: Peer-To-Peers, adapted from Sources of Strength, an Evidence-based Program" |
Reiden Gustafson | Agricultural Sciences | "Grant Proposal: PDX Resilience Farm" |
Siena Marion Harris | Finance | "Challenge Paper 1" |
Hannah C. Lea | Psychology | "ADHD Diagnoses and Prescription Rates of Methylphenidate among Children and Adolescents in the United States and Europe: Implications for Long-term Health Outcomes" |
Christopher May | Physics | "Freezing a Softly Repulsive Fluid: Monte Carlo Methods and the Weeks--‐Chandler-‐Andersen Potential" |
Jordan P. Pascua | Kinesiology | "What are you worth? A case for pay-for-play in the NCAA" |
Elena Ramirez Robles | Ethnic Studies | "Planting the Seeds to Establish the Roots" |
Philip Michael Roe | American Studies | "We Hear You Now" |
Mark Rubin | Integrative Biology | "GMOs are Safe: Why a Former Anti-GMO Activist Changed His Mind" |
Holly Rysenga | Animal Sciences | "Implications of Psittacines as Pets" |
Alexa Sakai | Human Development and Family Sciences | "Proposal to Fund the Sex Trafficking Education Program" |
Annalise San Juan | English | "Nature Viewed Through the Male Gaze" |
Rishi Seshadri | Music | "Personal, Musical, and Cultural: The Influence of Legacy, a Work-Concept, and Enlightenment Values in Haydn’s Late Oratorios" |
Zibigniew Sikora | Microbiology | "Effects of solarization and water treatment on microbial communities in soil" |
Eliza Wilmes Smith | BioResource Research | "A Survey of Small Farmers to Assess Interest in a Food Hub in Oregon’s Mid-Willamette Valley" |
Danielle M. Stevens | Biochemistry and Biophysics | "Impacts of Tertiary Ligands in Catalysis in Thermostable Human Carbonic Anhydrase II by Site-directed Mutagenesis and Genetic Code Expansion" |
Patrick Storment | Political Science | "The Impact of Religious Sympathy on Attitudes Toward Immigrants" |
Erin Wever | Environmental Economics and Policy | "AEC 410 Internship Report - My summer with the OSU Extension Service - Marion County, Mid-Willamette Valley Small Farms Program" |
Emily L. Wilcox | Sociology | "A Comparative Analysis of Black and White Subjective Social Class Identifications: Significance of Relationship for Income Level, Educational Level, and Occupational Type" |
Student Name | Nominating Department | Title of Paper |
Christopher Bahro | Chemistry | "Vibrational-Rotational Spectoscopey of HCl/DCl gas" |
Caroline Brown Tania Mendez |
Human Development and Family Sciences | "Malheur on the Move" |
Jordan Coelho | Microbiology | "A Culture-independent Approach to Studying the Effects of Solarization on Soil Microbial Communities Using PRC and Illumina MiSeq" |
Cody Cowdin Brock Kocyan David Stitch |
Electrical and Computer Engineering | "Project Summary: Smart Solar Disconnect" |
Allison Daley | Psychology | "The Paradox of Facebook: Interdisciplinary Perspectives of Social Support Online and Face-to-Face" |
Caitlyn Douglas | Music Performance | "Girl Power": A look at Eighteenth-Century Feminism in Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Le Nozze di Figaro |
Taona Elchibegashvili Joshua Nejely Mark Snyder |
Chemical Engineering Bio Engineering Environmental Engineering |
"Calcium Removal Project Report" |
Makenzie Ellet | Construction Engineering Management | "Project Proposal: Multi-Use Facility" |
Aneesa Field | History | "A New Outlook to an Ongoing Debate: Affirmative Action through the Lens of Asian Americans" |
Patrick Thomas Flynn | Math | "Undecidability for Higher Dimensional Knots" |
Zoe Kilmer | Bioresource Research | "Unprecedented Retreat of Columbia Glacier Relative to the Last Millennium" |
Aiden Koll | Sociology | "Who Supports the Legalization of Marijuana? The Impact of Liberalism and Age on Attitudes Surrounding Legalization of Recreational Marijuana" |
Hannah LaRue | Public Health | "A Multi-Level Intervention Program for Breast Cancer Self-Screenings and Mammography Use in Native Alaskan Women" |
Mady Liu | Microbiology | "The Effects of Antibacterial Soap on Human Health" |
Claire McMorris | Honors College | "Corporate Oregon: A Narrative Study of Measure 97" |
Jeremy Meinke | Physics | "Single-Molecule Analysis of a Novel Kinesin Motor Protein" |
Ethan Palioca | Bioenergy | "Effect of Magnetic Field and Magnetite Nanoparticle on Power Production of Microbial Fuel Cells" |
Jacob Parsons | Crop and Soil Science | "Our Bumblebees Are Disappearing: the Neonicotinoid Connection" |
Ashley Price | English | "Goodness and Failure Defining Humanity" |
Kendal Schwabrow | Animal Sciences | "Ethical Concerns of Animal Experimentation" |
Amy Wyman | Civil Engineering | "Individual Design Report: Coast Guard Base for Galveston, Texas" |
William Young | Honors College | "The Effects of UV Irradiation on the Biosorption of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles to Heterotrophic Biomass" |
Rachel Zmolek | Kinesiology | "Exploring In-home Therapies to Increase Physical Activity for Children with Cerebral Palsy" |
Student Name | Nominating Department | Title of Paper |
Nicklaus R. Abdou Harry Keisuke Armando Kraynick |
Civil and Construction Engineering | "Gondar Site Development Project, Final Group Design Report V2.0" |
Mudra Choudhury | Bioresource Research | "The Development and Application of a Systems Biology Approach to Mapping Monocyte Gene Regulatory Networks" |
Brian Dougherty | Bioresource Research | "Biochar as a cover for dairy manure lagoons: reducing odor and gas emissions while capturing nutrients" |
Alyssa Froman | History, Philosophy, and Religion | "Plutarch's Women: A Unique Perspective on the Value of Women in Ancient Rome" |
Jennifer Green Zachary Jones Miranda Raper |
Environmental Engineering Chemical Engineering Biological Engineering |
"Calcium Removal for Increased Hydrolyzate Activity" |
Jennifer Green | Honors College | "Transient Electron Donor Concentration Experiments for the Determination of Dehalogenation Rate and Kinetic Parameter Shifts in an Anaerobic Microbial Culture" |
Breanna Hagerman | Sociology | "The Influence of Race and Gender on an Individual's Support for Reducing Income Inequality" |
Lauren Henneford | Animal and Rangeland Sciences | "Is cosmetic tail surgery in dogs ethical?" |
Michelle Koepke | Economics | "Standardized Testing" |
Samuel Kowash | Math | "Solving the geodesic equation on the Poincaré and Klein disks" |
Samuel Kowash | Physics | "The lag-luminosity correlation in time-resolved episodes of long gamma-ray bursts" |
Alexandra (Lexie) Krueger | Writing, Literature, and Film | "Cardiovascular System Technical Description" |
Danika Locey | Music | "Frauenliebe und Leben: Robert Schumann's Self-Fulfilling Prophecy" |
Sean K. Mackey | American Studies | "The Privileged and the Poor: Dialogical Journalism in Joe Sacco's Palestine" |
Jenna Marie Proctor | Honors College | "The Great Hall: A Story of Promise, Lost Opportunity, and the Value of the Liberal Arts" |
Alyssa Rollins | Social and Behavioral Health Sciences | "Seventeen Days: A Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program for Hispanic Adolescent Females in Portland, Oregon" |
Jason Sandwisch | Chemistry | "Radical Addition Polymerization and Characterization of Polymethylmetacrylate by GPC, DSC, and Viscometry" |
Darian Taylor Seim | Microbiology | "Understanding the impact of orientation on gene expression of lux operon in pKN800 transformation into Escherichia coli DH5a" |
Kendra Sherman | Biological and Population Health Sciences | "Strong Bones Start Young" |
Amandip Singh | Microbiology | "Decaying Pig Body's Impact on Forest Soil Microbiota" |
Natasha M. Smith | Biochemistry and Biophysics | "An Enzymatic Study of the Role of Tyr415 in Native Catalase HPII using the UAA Mutants: 3-CI-Tyr415 and 3-Br-Tyr415" |
Justin Stangel | Civil and Construction Engineering | "Ethics in Construction Bidding" |
B. Lauren Stoneburner | History, Philosophy, and Religion | "Trumpet of the Spirit, Bass of Faith: Jazz as a Cold War Spiritual Weapon" |
Joshua Y. Zheng | Psychological Sciences | "Conveying Affect: Vocal vs. Nonverbal Cues" |
Student Name | Nominating Department | Title of Paper |
Alyssa Beamer | Writing, Literature, and Film | "Artistic Engineering" |
Alexandra Joy Bonney | Microbiology | "Genome sequencing and annotation of Pseudomonas veronii isolated from Oregon State University soil and 16S rRNA characterization of Corvallis, OR soil microbial populations" |
Jessica Cesar | Crop and Soil Science | "Fighting for Fruit: IPM Strategies for Drosophila suzukii in Blueberry and Raspberry Production" |
K. C. Clay | History, Philosophy, and Religion | "Emotions as Motivations for the Conquistadors" |
Timothy Michael Chase | Arts & Communications | "The Development of Music Notation: Notational Practices of the Middle Ages and How They Reveal a Changing Philosophy of Music" |
Zoe Chrisman-Miller | Psychological Sciences | "The Effects of Adult Attachment on Exercise" |
Alyssa Ekdahl Jane Otero Sara Seals |
Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering Biological Engineering |
"Ion Exchange System for Strontium Removal" |
Christopher Heron | Chemistry | "Synthesis and Characterization of 4-Ethylbenzophenone" |
Emily Jackson | Geosciences | "The Geologic Setting, History, Hazards, and Mitigation of the Mount Yake-Dake Volcano on Honshu Island, Japan" |
Peter Kilgore | Math | "The Fano Plane as an Octonionic Multiplication Table" |
Emily Kolodzy | Design and Human Environment | "Textile and Apparel Marketing Plan" |
Crystal Kraft | Social and Behavioral Health Sciences | "Harper's Healing with Horse Therapy" |
Amanda Leahy | Design and Human Environment | "Textile and Apparel Marketing Plan" |
Heaven Le Roberts | Animal and Rangeland Sciences | "Ethical Concerns of Testing Toxins in Animals" |
Claire Osterag-Hill | Honors College |
"Differentiation of BHV-1 Isolates from Vaccine Virus by High-Resolution Melting Analysis and An Examination of the Interface Between Culture and the Global Prevalence of HSV-2" |
Michael Perlin | Physics | "Optimizing Monte Carlo simulation of the square-well fluid" |
Christopher J. Ratcliff | BioResource Research | "Carbon Isotopes Show Snowpack Acts as a Valuable Moisture Subsidy to Mountain Forests in the Oregon Cascades" |
B. Lauren Stoneburner | History, Philosophy, and Religion | "Aimee Semple McPherson and Writing the Faith into the Modern World" |
Kodasha M. Thomas | Social and Behavioral Health Sciences | "Targeted Intervention to Reduce HIV Transmission-Atlanta, GA" |
Jordon Walker | Liberal Studies | "Pragmatism, Walt Whitman, and Understanding" |
Hannah Whitley | Sociology | "Support for Capital Punishment: The Role of Parenthood and Suburbanism in Death Penalty Options" |
Student Name | Nominating Department | Title of Paper |
James Amrhein Olivia Girod Adam Strength |
Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering | "Design of Express Line for High-Volume Products" (project sponsored by Sheldon Manufacturing) |
Stefanie L. Baker Madison Bertoch Preston Pallante |
Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering Bioengineering |
"Ion Exchange System for Strontium Removal" |
Jonathan Beskow | Sociology | "The Effect of Deviance on Solidarity" |
Anne Dennon | Writing, Literature, and Film | "Social Perfection -- Lifestyle Blogs as (Non) Evolved Utopias" |
Cory V. Gerlach | BioResource Research | "Mono-substituted isopropylated triaryl phosphate, a major component of Firemaster 550, is an AHR agonist that exhibits AHR-independent cardiotoxicity in zebrafish" |
Joshua D. Hille Christopher R. Nesler Jay B. Stevenson |
Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering | "Unified Medical Instrument Prototype Hardware" (project sponsored by UMI) |
Courtney Hollingsworth | Psychological Science | "Dialectical Behavior Therapy: Adaptations and Effectiveness in Treating Various Populations" |
Alysa Hughes | Design and Human Environment | "Pathways to Success: The Impact of Narrative Branding Campaigns" |
Annie H. Kersting | Crop and Soil Science / Environmental Science | "Imperialism for Breakfast" |
Jacob K. Kollen | Crop and Soil Science | "Phosphate Rocks!" |
Emily Mangan | Animal and Rangeland Sciences | "On the Ethics of Protein Production in Transgenic Animals" |
Kevin C. Marks | Geosciences | "Affable Akutan - History and Hazards" |
Samuel Alexander Mihelic | Math | "The Keep-Right-Except-To-Pass Rule" |
Alexandria Mikesell | Fisheries and Wildlife | "The common skate: an unexpected degree of genetic diversity" |
Zachary Moeller | History | "The Peach Platform: How Democrats Lost the 1864 Election" |
Taylor M. Nowlin | Microbiology | "Pathogenic bacterial species detected on raw alfalfa sprouts" |
Abigail Sage | Honors College | "Estimating Density of a Black Bear Population in Northeastern Oregon Using Dogs and Genetic Mark-Recapture Techniques" |
Heather Elise Wilson | Physics | "Real time monitoring of chemical reactions with carbon nanotube field-effect transistors" |
Student Name | Nominating Department | Title of Paper |
Anthony C. Amsberry Garrett D. Cogburn Emily C. Flock |
Biological Engineering Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering |
"Ion Exchange Project" |
Madeline Benoit | Animal & Rangeland Sciences | "A comparison of penetrating captive bolt and halal slaughter at point of slaughter in cattle -- is slaughter by captive bolt more humane than halal style slaughter?" |
Benedikt Bochtler John Teeter Robert Lee Helmer Thompson |
Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering | "Sand Mold Clamping: Final Report" (project sponsored by PCC Structurals) |
Emily Cade | Biochemistry and Biophysics | "Intake of grape-derived polyphenols resuces C26 tumor growth by inhibiting angiogenesis and inducing apoptosis -- an analysis" |
Tanida Chongvilaiwan Megan K. King Alexandria Lee Moseley |
Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering | "Oregon Freeze Dry Value Stream Mapping and Product Costing" (project sponsored by Oregon Freeze Dry) |
Bryan Robert Cooper Lucas Murphy Teeter Bettina Ruth Zimmer |
Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering | "Casting Filter Testing Apparatus: Final Report" (project sponsored by PCC Structurals) |
Irene P. Cooper | English / OSU Cascades | "The Life of the Company: Chekhov's Borkin as Deconstructed Fool" |
Courtney L. Darr | Psychological Sciences | "Investigating the Relationship between Affectionate Communication, Positive Emotions, and Prosocial Behavior" |
Amber Fulkerson Megan Hamblen Holden Rennaker Samuel Son Yoo Brett Voyles |
Civil and Construction Engineering | "Mt. St. Helens Sediment Management System" |
Jordan Gerding | Civil and Construction Engineering | "Process Improvement Study for Brick-Laying" |
Amy Harris | Political Science / OSU Cascades | "It's a Man's World" |
Sona H. Hodaie | Honors College | "If you are holding this letter" |
Alejandra Marquez Loza | BioResource Research | "Influences of an Anti-inflammatory Drug, Ibuprofen, on Spatial Memory and NMDA Receptor Subunit Expression During Aging" |
Jordan Massie | Fisheries and Wildlife | "The salmon adipose fin: new evidence of a neural network implies functionality" |
Allison Mermelstein | Writing, Literature, and Film | "Emblems of Paternity: Symbolic Objects to Star Wars and Sir Degare" |
Thomas A. Pitts | Math | "Euclidean Tessellations and Regular Polygons in the Taxicab Plane" |
Victoria Price | History, Philosophy, and Religion, Honors College | "Looking at Commoditization of Legal Services since the 1980's through U.S.-Japanese Agreements: The Position, Regulation, and Possible Effects of U.S. and Japanese Lawyers Abroad" |
Amy R. Schermerhorn | Microbiology | "Pseudomonas species isolated from unpasteurized goat milk identified by polymerase chain reaction and DNA sequence analysis of bacterial ribosomal RNA genes" |
Student Name | Nominating Department | Title of Paper |
Deanna Amneus Jessica Grace Cawley Christina Raeanne Garrett Rachel Odonna Hanna Amanda Lynne Nelson |
Civil and Construction Engineering | Not available |
Alex Steven Brown Jordan Richard Mussche Reed Eric James Chase Wellington |
Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering | "Utilizing AICD technologies for tracking plants at Kraemer's Nursery" |
Michael Brydone-Jack | Psychology | "The Relationship between Self-Enhancing Humor, Self-Compassion, and Emotional Traits" |
Kayla Harr | Writing, Literature and Film | "Inconsistence of Internal and External Reality in 'The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock'" |
Katherine Gilles-Rector | Fisheries and Wildlife | "Swimming Strategy of Ocean Sunfish" |
Charlene R. Grossnicklaus | Human Development and Family Sciences | "Research Perspectives: The Role of Assessment in Early Childhood Education" |
Suzie Gumm | American Studies | "Wild Abandon" |
Christopher S. Hedstrom | BioResource Research | "Pheromonemating disruption of fibertworm moth (Cydio Latiferreana) in commercial hazelnut orchards" (Herb Summers Memorial Scholarship Fund in the Foundation 01J3) |
Michelle Janik | Animal Science | "Ethical Issues in Animal Sciences" |
Lisa Kirkemo | Biochemistry and Biophysics | "Dietary and Genetic Evidence for Phosphate Toxicity Accelerating Mammalian Aging: an Analysis" |
Margaret-Rose W. Leung | Honors College | "University Honors College Senior Thesis" |
Claire Ranit | Social and Behavioral Health Sciences | "The Interplay of Accountable Care Organizations and Anti-trust Regulations" |
Courtney Schild | Arts and Communication | "Contemporary Issues in Design" |
Julie VanBlokland | Sociology | "Methods 1: Research Design" |
Student Name | Nominating Department | Title of Paper |
AnnaRose Adams | Honors College | "Response of reef fish assemblages to overgrowth of the hydrocoral Millepora complanata by the crutose alga Ramicrusta sp" |
Hussain Albaghli Eric Horbatiuk Benjamin Lawton Jeffrey Sublet Travis Thonstad |
Civil and Construction Engineering | "Willamette Falls Locks Rehabilitation" |
Bradley Converse Danae Lincoln Ben Weiss |
Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering | "Life and drag measurement in a wind tunnel" |
Kaitlin Eichelberger Hayley Oveson Nicole Shaw |
Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering | "BMV (Bedside Medication Verification) Administration Process Plan" |
Alexis Gianopoulous | History | "A Blind Eye: The United States and Operation Condor" |
Raimie Hedman | Liberal Arts | "The Nature of Walls and the Gathering Power of Humanity" |
Kristin Hogan | Animal Sciences | "What is the last painful method of dehorning and disbudding dairy cattle?" |
Andrew Larkin | Bioresource Research | "Method development for extraction and purification of dermal RNA from FVB/N mice treated with environmental PAH mixtures" |
Nicholas C. Lowery | Biochemistry and Biophysics | "Germ-free C57BL/6J mice are resistant to high-fat diet induced insulin resistance and have altered cholesterol metabolism-an analysis" |
Pamela J. Lundeberg | Psychology | "Delivering the Male: The Effect of Stereotype Activation on Trait Inferences" |
Jackie Morgon | English | "The Fall of Man in Everyman" |
Ashley Nored | Design and Human Environment | "Urban Sprawl" |
Elisa Rosenlund | Public Health | "Healthy Relationships Now and Forever (HRNF) -- program plan to prevent dating violence" |
Bryce Siegel | Fisheries and Wildlife | "Sometimes Zero is More" |
Krista Stangel | Human Development and Family Sciences | "Enhancing Social Skills of Students with Autism in the General Education Classroom" |
Student Name | Nominating Department | Title of Paper |
Richard Alves | Honors College | "Melee at the Edge of the Empire: The Manifestation of the Reservation System in Southwest and Western Oregon 1850-1875" |
Anthony Davies Daniel Iliyn Adam Jourdonnais Andrew Kelley Charles Williams |
Civil and Construction Engineering | "TRIP-II Industrial Development Planning -- Port of Portland" |
Tegan H. Emerson | Math | "The golden coincidence?" |
Kelly Fitzpatrick | Business | "Two memos" |
Brad Franklin | Psychology | "Expanding on Exposure and Response Prevention in the Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder" |
Mark Goracke | Agricultural and Resource Economics | "The Impact of Government Support Policies for Biofuel Production" |
Margaret-Rose "Rosie" Leung | Math | "Non-lethal conservation strategies for red squirrels threatened by grey squirrels" |
Sarah Lowery | Liberal Studies | "What do you make of Andrew Taslitz's critique, and of his suggested reforms, in Rape and the Culture of the Courtroom?" |
Anna Narendra | Sociology | Not available |
Maria Quiroz | Animal Sciences | "Farrowing Crates: Our Farm Past and Future?" |
Cassandra Rider | English | "Utopia and Facebook: Unsettling the Perception of an Ideal Arrangement" |
Shayna Rogers | Honors College | "Twentieth Century Takings Jurisprudence: A Dual Expression of Classical Liberalism & Civic Republicanism" |
Christopher Tischler | Fisheries and Wildlife | "Effects of Altered Flow Regimes on Juvenile Salmon Survival and Migration Behavior in the Columbia River Basin" |
Sara Trotman | History | "Comparative Analysis of Charles Darwin and James Watson" |
Rebecca Veitch | BioResource Research | "Effects of Perfluorinated Compounds on GnRH Gene Expression in vitro" |
Anna Vigeland | Biochemistry and Biophysics | "Histatins are the major wound-closure stimulating factors in human saliva as identified in a cell culture assay" |
Abbey Wanzek | Design and Human Environment | "Grant Proposal: Abbey's Head Start Library" |
Student Name | Nominating Department | Title of Paper |
Brent Bodwell Lindsay Higa Fernando Macias Ryan Ramsey Kevin Severson |
Civil and Construction Engineering | "Alternatives Analysis -- Albany Transportation Center Improvements" (team project) |
Aubrey Chi-Yun Leung | Math | "Competitive Exclusion and Coexistence in Competing Infections without Host Mortality" |
Hanna McGuire | Biochemistry and Biophysics | "Inhibition of the intestinal glucose transporter GLUT2 by flavonoids" |
Tawnya Redding | Psychology | "Greeting Styles and the Establishment of Rapport in a University Writing Center" |
Ben Stiehl | Design and Human Environment | "The Remodeling Experience: A Study of Professional Relationships Between a Client and a Remodeling Contractor" |
Antonea Widony | Sociology | "The Effects of Education and Race on Attitudes About Capital Punishment" |
Josh Williams | Fisheries and Wildlife | "Retrospective Evaluation of the Effects of Introduced Goldfish on Life History of Endangered Pahrump Poolfish" |
Student Name | Nominating Department | Title of Paper |
Karen Barrese | Math | "Karen and Matthew in Triangle Town: An Exploration of Chinese Checker Geometry" |
Jill Bartholomew Jaime Junell Brett Valenti |
Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering | "Innovative Technology to Enhance Fine Motor Function" |
Jennifer Bradley | Design and Human Environment | "The Impact of the Urban Growth Boundary on Portland, Oregon" |
Manh (Mike) Cao | Animal Sciences | "Should induced molting be banned in the U.S." |
Miriam Chaudhary Tristan Wagner |
Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering | "Korvis Automation RCM Assembly and Test Project" |
Sara Comstock | Sociology | "Varying Degrees: The effect of marital status on support for abortion, controlling for parenthood status" |
Harold Cuffe | Economics | "Wealth Distribution and its Effects on Outward Foreign Direct Investment" |
Elizabeth Dunfield | Biochemistry and Biophysics | "Hydrogen Sulfide Enhances Ulcer Healing In Rats" |
Kyle Latimer | Forest Engineering | "Forest Engineering 450 Capstone Project" |
Kelly Mathews | Sociology | "Penalties from the Pews: How frequency of church attendance effects support for capital punishment among Protestants and Catholics, controlling for gender" |
Katherine Parker | Women Studies | "Professionals or Victims: The Feminist Discourse on Prostitution and its Representation in Modern Culture as Examined in Law and Order: SVU" |
Amy Seto | Design and Human Environment | "Radio Frequency Identification in the Retail Industry" |
Noah Strycker | Fisheries and Wildlife | "Issues in Natural Resources Conservation Biodiversity: The Endangered Species Act, Critical Habitat, and the Marbled Murrelet" |
Stephen Summers | English | "A Reflection on the Artist in 'The Masque of the Red Death'" |
Taralyn Tan | Honors College | "Characterization of the Ovine Prolactin Promoter" |
Maarika Teose | Honors College | "The Effect of Temperature on the Survival of Chinook Eggs and Fry" |
Student Name | Nominating Department | Title of Paper |
Kristen Aagesen | Math | "Rational tangles and continued fractions" |
Brett Blundon | Fisheries and Wildlife | "Pheromone production and function in fishes" |
Eric Brooks | Biochemistry and Biophysics | "The role of the nucleotide excision repair enzymes CSA and XPA in bulky DNA adduct removal in Zebrafish (Danio rerio)" |
Zachary Alan Castro Janelle Dunlap Brandon Koida Tram Thuy Le Rebecca Mitchell |
Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering | "Key Advantage Production Line Improvements at GE Security in Salem, OR" |
Amanda Lea Comer Kristina Gustin Michelle Mullett Kyle Zirschky |
Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering | "Thermal Weed Seed Killer" |
Bryan T. Cook | English | "Conceptions of Pleasure" |
Amanda J. Deney | Political Science |
"Critical Book Review - Akhil Reed Amar and Alan R. Hirsch, For the People: What the Constitution Really Says about Your Rights" "Critical Book Review - Adrienne Rich, On Lies, Secrets & Silence: Selected Prose, 1966-1978" |
Erica A. Dietz | Humanities | "Faulkner and Picasso: How Modernism Demands the Thought Process of its Audience" |
Katy Mullis | Design and Human Environment | "A SWOT Analysis of Walgreens in the Competitive Pharmacy Marketplace" |
Mariah Parker-deFeniks | Sociology | "The Interaction Effect of Socioeconomic Status Measures on the Correlated Attitude-Behavior Relationship" |
Christie VanLaningham | Honors College | "What Fools Call Crime: The Boundaries of the Pornographic imagination in Sade's La Philosophie Cans Le Boudoir" |
Brendan Welsh | Forest Engineering | "Timber Plan for West of the Rockies" |
Sarah Wiebenson | Women Studies | "A Journey to Agnosticism" |
Student Name | Nominating Department | Title of Paper |
Calvin Hughes | Sociology | "A State of Crisis: Alcohol Use Among Oregon High School Students" |
Shawn Majors | Geosciences | "Chemical Variability Comparisons of Springs and their Relationships to Local Lithologies" |
Robyn Melton | Political Science | "A Woman's Role" |
Eddie O'Donnell | Biochemistry and Biophysics | "Pathogenic mechanisms of cancer causing hMLH1 mutations" |
Catherine Owens | Agricultural and Resource Economics (Eastern Oregon University) | "Assessing the Economic Impact of NRCS Programs on Baker County Oregon's Economy: A Proposal" |
Danya Rumore | Agricultural and Resource Economics | "Agri-Environmental Policy: Greening Agriculture" |
Sharon Sternadel | Mathematics | "Circles in a One-Way Street Taxicab Model" |
Margaret Jo Whiting | Women Studies | "Yanyun Zhao: A story of progress in China" |