WIC Numbers for AY 2022-2023
Writing Intensive Courses are identified as a “high impact practice” by the AAC&U. The Writing Intensive Curriculum (WIC) Program supported this high impact practice:
- Total OSU Writing Intensive courses: 135
Faculty development supports teaching excellence in WIC and non-WIC classes, creating a culture of writing at OSU. The WIC program advanced faculty learning through several events:
- The Fall Faculty Seminar enrolled 14 faculty representing 13 units across five colleges and three campuses (Cascades, Corvallis, and Ecampus).
Nine workshops were attended by a total of 155 faculty and graduate students.
- Number of WIC students taught by faculty attendees at workshops = 2,387
- Total OSU students (WIC and non-WIC) taught by faculty attendees at workshops = 20,812
- Fifteen faculty worked on curricular and pedagogical improvements via individual WIC consultations.
Undergraduate Research
Undergraduate Research is identified as a “high impact practice.” The WIC program:
- Recognized excellence in undergraduate research and writing by awarding WIC Culture of Writing awards to 28 students in 26 departments across six colleges.
- Supported an undergraduate intern in doing research and writing for the WIC newsletter