In addition to the Oregon State University WIC site, here are links to other comprehensive sites covering a variety of topics important to teachers of writing. Many of these sites include links to more online resources and best practices for the teaching of writing. These are useful reference points for general resources and ideas for writing teachers.
These sites provide an explanation of writing-to-learn and example writing-to-learn activities. Particularly useful for the sciences, these resources are great for planning small but impactful writing activities to include in the classroom.
These resources provide guidelines on creating clear and purposeful writing assignments as well as information about effective assignment scaffolding.
This section includes links to specific examples of effective writing rubrics that can be adapted for use across various disciplines.
This section includes resources for both teachers and students to help students in their research projects. The resources include information on research, citation, and using online source material.
The resources in this section include tips and strategies for designing effective peer response assignments for writing classrooms across the curriculum. The section includes links for assigning both in-class and online peer response activities.
This section contains links to resources with information about and strategies for working with multilingual writers.
Because grammar is contextual, singular rules about "correct" grammar do not apply to all writing situations or all language varieties. A more inclusive method is teaching grammar in context, or rhetorically, which means focusing on how grammatical choices make meaning and guiding students to make the most effective choices for their writing goals. The links below provide resources for approaching grammar as rhetorical.
This section includes resources with guidelines and strategies for creating more accessible documents and websites.