Welcome to the Oregon State University Writer's Personal Profile (WPP) Website
The WPP is a copyrighted assessment tool for which we are granting free use by teaching faculty at Oregon State University and at other institutions. You are invited to adapt the questions to your institution and course needs. Please give credit when using or adapting the WPP. This instrument may not be reproduced or adapted for profit.
Oregon State University Writing Intensive Curriculum Program
Copyright ©2006–08 Tracy Ann Robinson. All Rights Reserved.
Best Practices for Using the Writer's Personal Profile
Sample End of Term Self Assessment
Writing Across the Curriculum and Assessment: Activities, Programs, and Insights at the Intersection
Complete APA Citation
Robinson, Tracy Ann & Burton, Vicki Tolar (2009, December 3). The writer's personal profile: Student self assessment and goal setting at start of term. [Special issue on Writing Across the Curriculum and Assessment] Across the Disciplines, 6. Retrieved (INSERT DATE), from http://wac.colostate.edu/atd/assessment/robinson_burton.cfm