WIC Survival Guide Chapter 3: Department Writing Guides

How to Write for Your Major

A number of departments at OSU have developed writing guides to help students understand the writing processes and products of the discipline. Make sure to use your department's guide if one is available.

Department of Chemistry
Writing Guide for Chemistry

Difference, Power, and Discrimination Program
Writing for Change

Department of Human Development and Family Sciences
Taking an HDFS View of the World

Department of Mathematics
Writing Mathematics

Department of Microbiology
Scientific Writing for Microbiology Majors

Department of Music
Writing Guide for Music

Department of Philosophy
Writing Philosophy Papers: A Student Guide

Department of Political Science
A Student Writer's Survival Guide

Department of Sociology
Turning Ideas into Researchable Questions

Other Guides for OSU Students

Design and Human Environment Learning & Style Guide.
Available at the OSU Bookstore.

Pedersen, E. (2004). The Design and Human Environment Learning & Style Guide.
        (2nd ed.) Dubuque, IA, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company.

Writing for Visual Thinkers: A Guide for Artists and Designers.

A Guide for Artists and Designers is an e-book designed to help people who think in pictures—a segment of learners that by some estimates includes almost 30 percent of the population—gain skills and confidence in their writing abilities.

To purchase click here. Writing for Visual Thinkers: A Guide for Artists and Designers.