Faculty Seminar

What is the WIC Faculty Seminar?

The annual WIC Faculty Seminar focuses on learning best practices for teaching writing across the disciplines. Designed for faculty teaching WIC courses and faculty using writing in non-WIC courses, the seminar is appropriate for all faculty who are interested in improving student learning through writing.

When does Seminar take place?

The number offered and specific term for Seminar vary from year to year. Please see below for upcoming Seminar dates.

How much time does the Seminar take?

Each meeting is two hours, and participants do some reading and some course planning work between these weekly sessions.

How do I Join the Seminar?

Interested participants must be nominated by their unit heads or chair via email to the WIC Director.  Nominations are being accepted on a rolling basis. 

What Does the Seminar Cover?

The Faculty Seminar consists of five weekly two-hour meetings, each with a different emphasis relating to teaching writing. The list below identifies both the emphasis and some key questions addressed for each meeting:

First Meeting: Defining Writing-Intensive Teaching

  • What is writing? What do revision and process have to do with writing?
  • What does it mean to teach or, for our students, to take a writing-intensive course?
  • What are the hallmarks of a writing-intensive course?
  • What can we expect from a student who has completed Writing 121 at OSU? WR II?

Second Meeting: Using formative Writing for Critical Thinking and Learning Content

  • What is the difference between graded and ungraded writing? Why are both useful?
  • How can ungraded writing promote critical thinking and learning course content?
  • What does ungraded writing look like? How do we evaluate those activities?

Third Meeting: Designing Summative Writing Assignments

  • How do we integrate or sequence summative (formal) and formative (informal) writing?
  • What choices appear as we design summative assignments?
  • How do we match a summative writing assignment to the intended learning outcomes for students?

Fourth Meeting: Responding to Work in Progress

  • In our own writing, when and to whom do we look for responses and feedback?
  • Who should respond to our students’ work in progress and when?
  • What do writers need to hear to make practical revision decisions?

Fifth Meeting: Evaluating Student Writing

  • What are the relationships among responding, evaluating, and grading?
  • What do we need to know about English/writing in order to grade student writing?
  • What are some different possible positions on spelling errors, punctuation errors, etc.?

Upon completing the seminar, participating faculty receive a $500 honorarium.

Upcoming Faculty Seminar Dates

Please check back for future WIC seminar dates.


If you would like to participate or nominate someone for the WIC Faculty Seminar, please contact the WIC Director.

